Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How To Get High Without Drugs


Lots of people believe that the only way to get “high” is by using drugs or chemicals, those people aren't runners.  All runners know about the euphoric feeling known as the runners high. The rush of endorphins top the brain due to vigorous physical activity that gives feeling of peace and happiness.  In Runner's World article “how to achieve a runner's high” it addresses the famed feeling and how and why it is achieved.  Runner's World is the foremost online resource for running related news and information. They and I both argue that the runner's high feeling is primary factor that leads people to running.

This article focuses on the role of certain bodily chemicals in the process of achieving runners high, specifically endorphins.  When talking about endorphins the article suggests that the chemical is like “Nature’s home-brewed opiates.”  essentially endorphins are our body's natural healthy way to mimic some of the most addictive drugs on the planet, endorphins act like natural painkillers, they are released when the body is in state of discomfort, which is easy to achieve while running.  So the fact that this conditions for endorphin release are prime during running and that when endorphins are released it feels euphoric, people are continually drawn back to running in hopes to experience this high again.

Now we have covered both the physical side and the emotional side of why runners choose to run, in the next post we will examine the social factors that lead people to choose this sport.  What type of community is set up around running and why is this community draw people in?