Sunday, November 13, 2016

What are the Incentives in other countries to preserve the environment?

Image result for incentive to recycle

There are many other countries that the U.S. can learn from in order to preserve the environment. Australia for example recycles 60% of its waste. Many other countries have incentives that the United States of America could implement. America should try to implement the incentives that are most effective. So what are these?


According to the article "The Global Face of Recycling," India has a whole market for recycling in which "many people make a living    by creating their own recycling factories. It is estimated that the self-made recycling industry employs roughly 200,000 people. It’s not merely taking care of waste, but a way of life and a source of income." The U.S., which is always big on new business opportunities should definiteyl look at improving recycling companies and their incentives. In China, an incentive that the government has implemented is one in which, "The citizens who diligently collect recyclables off the street are numbered around 2.5 million people. These scrap collectors earn the equivalent of $150 a month which is roughly half of what a cab driver earns in that country in the same time frame." Since the U.S. really has nothing like this at all besides some possible tax breaks, this is definitely a big incentive that America could use to help encourage its citizens to improve the environment.