Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Costs of Eating Meat

 Is It Worth It?
Most people love a good steak every now and then. What would you say if you were told it could have a negative toll on your health?  Would you still eat it, or explore other options? Washington Post author, Darryl Fears expands on the idea that there are more severe risk health effects, such as high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart problems, when it comes to eating a diet with meat vs. a meatless diet.  The added cost of Eating Red Meat - A Quicker Death, Scientists Say. explores all different viewpoints with support and evidence.


  1. “New research offers more evidence that vegetarians not only live better, but also longer.”  Researchers have proven from many years of research, that those who consume a vegetarian diet live not only better, but longer as well. Over 150,000 participants tested by Mingyang Song at the Massachusetts General Hospital in a time span of 4 years, helped prove this theory to be in fact true.

  1. Song's team found that a 10 percent increase in proteins from animals resulted in a 2 percent increase in mortality overall, and an 8 percent rise in death risk from heart disease.” Although meat from animals contains necessary proteins, it also contains many processed chemicals that are harmful to your body.  Your body can only handle so much, until you develop a heart disease.

  1. “But a 3 percent increase in protein from plants led to a 10 percent decrease in mortality and a 12 percent drop in risk of death from cardiovascular-related mortality.” There are many good suggested substitutes including tofu, chickpeas, and veggie burgers as well.  All of which are significantly healthier for you body in comparison to meat.

  1. Processed meats are filled with potentially unhealthy additives such as sodium and nitrates.” Studies have shown that out of 36,000 deaths, 13,000 were of cancer, and 9,00 were from cardiovascular diseases. Red meat includes a byproduct called TMAO that encourages fatty plaque.  According to many resources, the more TMAO in your body, the more it builds up, thus resulting in the consumer to become prone to heart disease.

  1. “A research fellow at the hospital's Clinical and Translational Epidemiology Unit: Plant-based proteins from sources such as beans, nuts, quinoa and seeds are a healthier choice than steaks or beef products such as hot dogs.” Eating these substitutes results in a lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, lower body mass and much more!

Future Research Question: What are the costs of eating a vegetarian diet?