Sunday, November 13, 2016

Arguments Against Google's Regulation

The government has a habit of harshly regulating companies, and if they were to increase regulation on Google, it would most likely destroy it entirely. Econsultancy, a popular website which helps customers achieve excellence in digital business, marketing, and ecommerce, goes into depth about the disadvantages of heavy regulation of Google. Therefore, Google should not be regulated because it would greatly reduce the quality of the company as a whole.


To start, it would be very unfair if Google were to be regulated more than other companies. Google is in a free market and there should not more regulation towards them than any other company. Chris Lake goes into detail about Google and how it compares to its competitors. He says, “People choose Google, not the other way around”; meaning that Google, overall, is better than any of its competitors like Yahoo or Bing. Also, Lake says that Google works very well, and they provide great service for the consumer.
Google’s search algorithm is kept a secret for a reason, too. If the government were to regulate how searches appeared, then Google would not provide the same experience as it does today. Many people argue that the search algorithm is unfair because your website will most likely not get noticed much on Google, However, “is it right that a market newcomer is able to usurp a veteran 10-year old internet brand to claim first place” (Lake). The search algorithm is not unfair at all; it simply gives you the highest quality websites that you are looking for.