Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pros of Vegetarianism

Think About the Positives

If you had the chance to make the world a better place would you? Well, according to Amy Van Deusen’s, 6 Reasons to Eat Less Meat, not eating meat may be the solution. Amy gives many examples and great statistics on this wonderful topic. By becoming vegetarian, animal Cruelty, diabetes, high cholesterol, and etc can all be prevented.

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  1. "Fatty red meats and many processed meats are high in saturated fat, which raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases risk of coronary heart disease,’ says Dr. Rachel K. Johnson, a spokesperson for the American Heart Association and professor of Nutrition and Medicine at the University of Vermont.” While these risks are very prevalent, other research has also proven that there is a link between meat and; colon, prostate, pancreatic, and gastric cancer!

  1. "Eating a plant-based meal for lunch instead of a burger saves 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, 133 gallons of water, and 24 square feet of land, according to the people over at the PB&J Campaign. They've calculated that in just three lunches, you'll have saved more water than you'll save by switching to a low-flow shower head.”  As of now, the world is in a horrible place. We are experiencing drought in certain areas of the world and losing more and more raw materials by the minute.

  1. “A large-scale 2010 study from Imperial College London found that those who ate about 250 grams a day (the size of one half-pound steak) of red meat, poultry, or processed meat gained more weight over five years than those who ate less meat, even if they consumed the same amount of calories overall.” A person’s health is very important, without good health, your life will be cut very short. That is why it is important to be cautious with what you put in your body. It has been proven that eating a vegetarian diet increases your lifespan significantly.

  1. “According to the USDA, 9.1 billion cows, chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigs, and sheep were slaughtered for food in 2011. And these animals often suffer greatly in tiny cages, crates, and pens, before enduring frequently cruel slaughter practices.” There are extremely inhumane practices on animals to produce the meat in your cheeseburger from McDonald’s and many other fast food restaurants. They are treated with such disrespect and spend most of their lives being tortured and  isolated.

  1. “The Humane Society of the United States estimates that if every American cut out meat just once a week, about 1.4 billion animals could be spared each year.”  Many innocent animals are tortured on a daily basis,  beat, and separated from their young.  No matter where you live, there are substitutes for meat like veggie burgers, beans, vegetables, quinoa, lentils, and much much  more!

  1. “In modern factory farms, animals are routinely injected with hormones and stimulants to make them grow bigger and faster. Many dairy ranchers use recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) to enhance milk production, despite the fact that this chemical - which has been implicated in causing cancer and other diseases - shows up in milk.”  Many cows, pigs, and chickens grow up on hormones which is a chemical.  This means there is chemicals, bacteria, and poisons in the meat.

  1. “A vegetarian diet reduces the destruction of tropical rain forests, wildlife habitat, and help to save endangered species! Rain forests are vital to life on earth.” Rain forests regulate the global climate and the water cycle, absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and provide humans with medicines, food, and much more. When eating meat,  some dioxins within the meat are released into the atmosphere, causing pollution.

All in all, there are many evident pros of eating a meatless diet, like a longer lifespan, better moods, and living with a guiltless conscience.

Future Question: How did vegetarianism start?