Sunday, October 2, 2016

Vegetarianism: Is It Enough?

There are many rewarding outcomes of being a vegetarian such as a guilt free conscience, better lifestyle, and an a boost in energy levels according to Jason Ladock from, Health Guidance; The Disadvantages of Being a Vegetarian .  Jason expands on the negative aspects of vegetarianism with several viewpoints and outlooks on this topic.  There are multiple drawbacks to becoming a vegetarian, like a risk in a lack of protein and certain necessary vitamins.

1.) “The protein in vegetables and plants doesn't have the same amino acid profile and simply isn't bio-available enough to be of any use. Yes it's there, but our body is not able to use it as effectively as protein from meat.”  Without the necessary proteins from meat, studies show, it could make the consumer more prone to sickness. Therefore worsening and prolonging your everyday colds and fevers.

2.) Protein and amino acids are actually very complicated matters and for the meat to be usable for our bodies it needs to be as close to the way we are going to use it as possible.” A vegetarian devolves a weak immune system from a lack of specific matters in meat.  Therefore, it is necessary that a non-meat eater would take vitamins as a substitute for the natural vitamins already within meat.

3.) You eat a plant and that's a very different protein and this means it takes a lot of effort for our body to convert it from plant to human. A lot is lost along the way and this results in a worse quality of tissue.”  Studies show that without natural protein from meat, your skin tissue starts to change and therefore worsens.  Red meat contains Themineral Zinc, which is crucial for producing  collagen.   It is also a natural anti-inflammatory.

4.) Put simply if you have tuna, pork, mushrooms, eggs, cheese, beef and chicken you are going to get amino acids in every configuration possible and this gives our body a lot to work with. Cut over half of those sources out and suddenly we will start to struggle to find the raw materials.”  Raw materials are very important in ones diet, when meat is removed from the diet, it complicates the food triangle.  It is very important to pay attention to what you consume on a meatless diet.

5.) “Lack of protein in our diet to an adequate degree and in the right form then means we are slower to heal wounds, our skin looks more dull and less healthy, we struggle to develop muscle tissue and become weaker and our digestion and cognitive function suffers.”  Since the immune system is not as strong as a meat eaters, the healing of wounds is also not as strong or as rapid. 

6.) “B12 is actually a crucial substance and deficiency can cause serious problems such as nerve damage, low energy and problems utilizing calcium which can lead to osteoporosis. B12 is also crucial for brain damage and some theories state that we may have even become omnivorous in order to help develop our brain function.” Many times the necessary amount of B12 is not met when eating a meatless diet.  There are necessary multivitamins to be taken when trying to substitute for B12 in meat.   

7.) “Without highly strict research and regulation most vegetarians will likely end up eating something that has come into contact with meat every now and then as it is so ubiquitous." Most foods contain chicken stock, beef stock, or even gelatin, which is why it is important to always check the ingredients and labels.  Vegetarians often miss out on different types of candies and adventurous day to day foods. 

 In conclusion, Vegetarianism is not the best choice for everyone.  It is very important to be aware of what you put into your body and consume the proper amount of protein and nutrients when attempting a vegetarian lifestyle/diet.   Be safe!

Future Research Question: Pros of eating a vegetarian diet